Saturday, December 6, 2008

Obama: Biggest public works boondoggle of all time

I've addressed this before but let me do once again. Printing money that you don't have is not "creating jobs". It takes absolutely no skill or brain power to just go deeper in debt. Any college student knows how to do that. Barry has no plan other than to spend money we don't have. These "jobs" are taxpayer funded. They are not being "created"!!! Wake up America!

Here's the plan Obama laid out today:

First, we'll spend billions of dollars changing out all the light bulbs in our federal buildings.

Secondly, we'll spend billions of dollars on highway projects similar to the "Big Dig".

Thirdly, we'll spend billions of dollars on failing schools with over-paid teachers as well as spend billions of dollars on computers so our students can more easily access their Facebook and Myspace pages.

Lastly, we'll spend billions of dollars putting every Americans' medical history in electronic format so they can readily see how long they have to wait for their next treatment under my new socialized health program.

Wow. What a plan!

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